So this is what's been going on in the life of Sarah Ng.
Now that I'm free text books and enter the world of paying back student loans, I have learned that I don't have as much free time as I thought I would. All the projects I said I would get too have gone undone. I finally graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Music. (I switch from Music Ed and am still wondering if it was a good choice)
I'm working from my apartment now. Ohio is not happening now. My boss moved out there, but from what I understand is that I don't have to move. Which is a blessing, I've gotten more involved with Harvest and gotten closer to my family that lives in Reno.
I'm playing guitar more. It's good! I've had my guitar for almost 4 years now and it's about time that I start learning to play it. I play it for my bible study on Tuesday nights and for Youth Group, and I'm far from being able to lead worship on it. It's amazing how God works, I'm learning guitar but in the process of learning I'm also reaching out and showing the Youth Group kids how to play too. So in a way God is still using me to Teach Music.
I've been going to Young Adults too, and it's nice to actually have a group of friends that have a strong foundation in their beliefs. I guess what I mean is, it's nice to be around a group of 20 somethings that aren't going out getting drunk, cussing, or trying to be better than people. We are starting to meet on Saturdays, which is great in my book cause it keeps people from getting into trouble.
I'm still struggling with stuff of the world, but it's been getting better. Something I don't want to let go, like certain friends and activities but I'm getting there. As for relationships, I'm still struggling with it. It's hard sometimes being around people who are 4 to 5 years younger than me that are already married and have babies, but at the same time I know I'm not ready for that chapter of life.
I'm still hoping for a great Christian guy that God has set aside for me. hm... that's another post. The kind of guy I'm waiting for. I'll have to share it with some of the youth girls. haha.