College has been apart of my identity for so long I think it's the main reason why I was so scared to graduate. Because of college I traveled to places I didn't think I would have ever gone to and experienced things I never thought would ever have happened to me.
In the past 6 1/2 years I have:
Year 1 2002-2003
- Dated Long Distance. It was hard, there was a lot of regrets, I learned a lot from it.
- Dyed my hair Blue. Yup Blue.
- Made it in Wind Ensemble on Clarinet
- Joined Intervarsty Christian Fellowship
- Donated my hair to Locks of Love
Year 2 2003-2004
- Moved into Canada Hall. Met my roommate Windy.
- Went to Fresno for Pep Band
- Pierced my nose
- Went to Seattle for NCAA
- Went to St. Luis for NCAA Sweet Sixteen (eye witness the Cinderella Story! :D)
- 1st year at Lake Tahoe Music Camp (LTMC)
Year 3 2004-2005
- Moved into my first Apt with Windy and Stephanie Clark
- Started Working at Jump Man Jump
- Started working at Nightingale Concert Hall
- Went to Indianapolis for NCAA
- Made friends with Ever Stays Red
- Apprenticed for Intervarsity for the Asian American Bible Study
- Learned to play the Tenor Saxophone
Year 4 2005-2006
- Went to my first Joshua Fest
- Met Candace, Ryan, and Sam Hui
- Moved into K St. house with Windy
- Learned to be a real Screen Printer
- Lead the Asian American Bible Study
- Went to Thailand on a Mission Trip
- Went to New Orleans
- Got my first Tattoo
Year 5 2006-2007
- Moved into the College Drive House (an all girl ministry house)
- Went to Las Cruses
- Declared my minor as Information Systems
- Went to the MCP computer Bowl game
Year 6 2007-2008
- Moved in with Liz
- Went to Albuquerque, NM
- Got my 2nd Tattoo.
- Did all of the Senior recognition stuff.
- My Last year counseling LTMC
- Went to Warped Tour for the first time
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