So a few years ago my friend Liz volunteered me (more like said you're coming after church) to help out with her to go to Quad Rugby practice. (They updated their site!! It actually looks like a big kids website! Sorry I'm on a caffeine high right now.. coffee coffee coffee!)
Since then I've gone to Las Vegas for tournaments and helped out at several fund raising events for the local team. At one point in time I was assisting coaching and working on becoming an official referee for the sport.
Well as I got further into my studies I had to quit going to practices to focus on school and graduating. I miss it. I miss the people and actually playing. I had some mad shoulder muscles! :D
So what brought this post on?? Well if you didn't know the Beijing Olympics are still going. They are in the mist of the Para-Olympics portion. Right now I'm watching the live feed of the USA Vs. Australia Gold medal Rugby Tournament.

Since then the sport has expanded across the world and is now one of the more popular parasports, para basketball is still the number one. (which is hard to play too! I've tried it. :D)
It's also nice because teams everywhere volunteer at hospitals to show people in rehab that have been injured and are new to the wheelchair world, that there is still things that they can do. That there is a community of support and a chance to people to still be active and participate in sports.
I hope i did the sport some justice. If you haven't seen it yet you should watch the movie Murderball. It give a better insight into the sport.
Sarah I love your new blog design... need to have you help me make mine cool.
and you didn't link your post at BrodyHarpers.
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