Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe.
Philippians 2:14-15
Friday, January 30, 2009
Something Different
So I put a template up for my layout for my blog. I don't like it, but this will have to do until I fine time to design something I like more. I just wanted something that wasn't the old layout cause it was too hard to read. so for now enjoy the template I got from Pyzam.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Coffee Break
I'm two cups into my coffee break.
I'm sitting alone in the café from the way.
Reading all by myself
Turning my cell off just to breath
And everyone I know just keeps calling me.
And I just need a little time.
Cause I'm overcommiting myself.
I guess this is growing up
I'm sleeping so little these days.
I guess this is growing up
I'm feeling things are about to change
I'm guessing this is growin up
Yeah I'm growing up.
And my mom hates my guts.
She has every reason to
From all the things I do.
And it breaks me just to know
That I have torn her apart so many times.
So many times
Cause I've overcommitted myself.
I guess this is growing
I'm sleeping so little these days.
I guess this is growing up
I'm feeling things are about to change
I'm guessing this is growin up
Oh I'm guessing this is growing up
Now I'm done with my coffee break.
I turn on my phone.
Oh that I've grown up
Coffee Break Lyrics by Forever the Sickest Kids

So I was driving to work today and I finally took the time to really listen the lyrics of this song. It's funny how almost everything in this song reminded me of stuff I'm dealing with right now. I say almost everything in this song because I don't think my mom hates me. I'm sure I'm breaking her heart though. :^s
Sometimes Growing up is hard. Sometimes it hard to make decisions for youself without hurting others. Sometimes it's hard to follow Gods will. I'm still waiting for that feeling of, "You made the wrong decision! Turn around go back" to hit but it's hasn't. I know this is what God wants from me. It still doesn't mean I'm not going to freak out, cry, and loose it every once in awhile. I guess this is growing up.
It's hard to grow up when you hang out with a bunch of 17 - 22 yr olds all the time too.. haha 8^D Went bowling last night with some youth kiddies. Good Times!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
You are just as valuable as any other person on planet Earth.
Pastor Pete posted about this at, Diana told me about it because she read it from there, today I read it. I was reduced to tears. Awesome Story
There are some games in which cheering for the other side feels better than winning.
There are some games in which cheering for the other side feels better than winning.
Rubiks Race
I must be getting better at this blogging thing!
Today I bought Rubik's Race off of eBay. It's was made in 1982, and it was one of those games that brings back a lot of childhood memories.

I remember playing it at my cousins house every time we went to Reno for Christmas. The family Christmas in Reno stopped a long time ago which is sad to see happen, I don't get to see my cousins much anymore except of the occasional weddings and special occasions.
Anyways we would have hours of fun racing each other, we even had tournaments to find out who will be the top racer.
I was thinking about it one day and decided to try and buy it. At the time I thought it was ridiculous amount to pay for the game so I didn't. I looked around at a few thrift stores, local and online, but couldn't find it.
So today I went on eBay again just to find that its more money now. Should have gotten it early. But I got. I'm so excited that I can't wait for it to get in so I can play it with some friends. So worth the money for all the memories get with it.
What was your favorite childhood game?
Today I bought Rubik's Race off of eBay. It's was made in 1982, and it was one of those games that brings back a lot of childhood memories.

I remember playing it at my cousins house every time we went to Reno for Christmas. The family Christmas in Reno stopped a long time ago which is sad to see happen, I don't get to see my cousins much anymore except of the occasional weddings and special occasions.
Anyways we would have hours of fun racing each other, we even had tournaments to find out who will be the top racer.
I was thinking about it one day and decided to try and buy it. At the time I thought it was ridiculous amount to pay for the game so I didn't. I looked around at a few thrift stores, local and online, but couldn't find it.
So today I went on eBay again just to find that its more money now. Should have gotten it early. But I got. I'm so excited that I can't wait for it to get in so I can play it with some friends. So worth the money for all the memories get with it.
What was your favorite childhood game?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Is it silly that the first question I asked to myself after I told my boss I would move was, "Who's going to play Rock Band with me?"
Monday, January 26, 2009
It's Going to Happen
So I was kind of stressing out about this, but I knew what my answer would be. I think I was just hoping that someone to tell me not to go, and there were a few that did. But I knew what God was telling from before even knowing about this adventure. I knew I was supposed to leave Nevada. I just didn't think it would be to follow work or to Ohio.
So now I'm thinking, this is good and I'm going to do it. As scary as it is and as much there is to do and think about. I'm going to do it.
I'm going to move to Ohio.
I'm going to move to Ohio.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Kung Hei Fat Choi
So today is Chinese New Year. The year will be the Year of the Ox.
So for fun a few friends and I looked up what our Chinese Zodiac said about ourselves and it was scary how close it was to some of us. Here's mine, I'm the year of the Boar. I added a few of my thoughts and comments.
So what your Chinese Zodiac and is it pretty close to who you are?
So for fun a few friends and I looked up what our Chinese Zodiac said about ourselves and it was scary how close it was to some of us. Here's mine, I'm the year of the Boar. I added a few of my thoughts and comments.
PersonalityTaken from
Occupying the last position in the Chinese Zodiac, the 12th, the Pig symbolizes such character traits as diligence, compassion, and generosity. Pigs enjoy life and because they are entertaining, others enjoy their company. Pigs are giving souls and reap much enjoyment when they’re helping others, but sometimes they give too much. Honesty is what Pigs give and it’s what they expect to receive in return. **This is so me!**
Pigs seek peace and will do what is necessary to maintain it. This trait, while admirable, sometimes makes it easy for others to take advantage of Pigs. Pigs are always doing for others, helping anyway they can, but rarely will they ask others for help. This can overwhelm and stress them, but Pigs don’t mind. **Um. Well Some times I mind. As for the keeping the peace part. I'm told it's very true. I just thought I was being optimistic.**
When it comes to money, Pigs enjoy spending more than saving. They gravitate towards name brand items. Thriftiness happens only occasionally, but Pigs do know how to find great deals. **Guilty as charged. I don't know about the name brand business though. I try to avoid them.**
Always seeking fun, Pigs often indulge more than they should. Excessive eating, drinking and smoking can cause sickness. Pigs aren’t very active and, combined with their excessive behaviors, cause them to gain weight. Pigs are social and being alone makes them unhappy. Pigs would benefit from adopting a healthier lifestyle. **OK now this is getting really scary!**
Pigs enjoy helping at work and can always be counted on. They enjoy opportunities that allow them to express their creativity. Pigs are detail-oriented, a trait admired by management. Pigs aren’t afraid to take on responsibility. Some good career choices for Pigs include: entertainer, caterer, doctor, veterinarian, or interior decorator. They’d do well in retail or hospitality. **SCARY!!**
Supportive and giving, Pigs make great partners. They’re affectionate and sexual and prefer staying home to going out. They enjoy what they have, especially their home and family. Once they find the right partner, they’re typically committed for the long-term. **Hmm... That's good to know. I wonder if boars are supposed to be as impatient as I am though?**
Pigs and the 5 elements **(I didn't add all five only added my year on here)**
Water Pigs – Years 1923 and 1983
Water Pigs are trustworthy almost to a fault. Others can easily influence Water Pigs, but Water Pigs are also good at influencing others to get what they want. They’re extremely social and enjoy having a good time. **Yup!**
Pigs are most compatible with a Rabbit or Goat and incompatible with the Monkey and Snake. **Calling all Rabbits and Goats!**
So what your Chinese Zodiac and is it pretty close to who you are?
Good Times!

We watch Paul Blart Mall Cop. I was so excited about seeing it! It was funny and fairly clean. I liked it tons. It had some awesome stunts by some X games pros, and was absolutely funny!
Then Saturday night we went to see Philmont, A Rotterdam Novemeber, and Capital Lights Play. It was a good concert. We've seen A Rotterdam Novemeber before and they were cool. They recognized Liz from the last show they were here. (It's always easy to remember the girl in a wheelchair vrs. the Asian girl)
In all the night was lots of fun and it was good to let loose dance and hang out with some of our youth kids.
We got to see some friends from California that often drives over the hill to see shows in Reno. They are crazy, but awesome girls. Then afterwards I made sure we got a group picture with A Rotterdam November, but David the lead singer disappeared. Oh well, my fav boy is in the picture at least. *blush*
*added* Oh and it was a good weekend for my roommate. She got Engaged on Saturday night! Yay! Congratulations Crissy!
*added* Oh and it was a good weekend for my roommate. She got Engaged on Saturday night! Yay! Congratulations Crissy!
Thursday, January 22, 2009

My co-worker in Canton told me that there's an one bedroom apartment opening across the hall from her in her apartment Building and of course the rent there is REALLY cheap compared to here. Also from what I saw it's an awesome complex.
It would be so much easier to move out there for work, but it's so hard for me to get to know people. I feel like I'm just opening up with people at my church and becoming friends with them there. I've been going there for almost over a year now.
Most of my friend here are telling me not to move. My sisters are telling me to get the hell out of Nevada. My mom is Freaking out!
It's not making this decision easy here, people!
There's so much to think about. I mean what about Shift Eight? I would really like to be apart of that still. Liz and I still have hopes and plans for where it will go. What's going to happen to them?
I keep telling myself not to think about it until it gets closer, but I'm a planner and need to think about it. If I do move, when will I got out there to secure a place to live? How will I move all my stuff out there? Who would I recruit to drive all the way out there with me? Would I sell my furniture and buy stuff in Ohio? Or would I need a Uhaul? Could I even handle driving one? Would I tow Frankie (my car) behind it? Would Frankie even make it? When would the move happen? I'll need to change my address for all my banks, loans, and bills.
Sorry. A little edgy about Gods plans for me at the moment.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I'm awful at this thing. Some day I will get better at it, maybe.
So here are my thoughts, very vague thoughts.
So here are my thoughts, very vague thoughts.
- Boys are confusing, or maybe I think to much into things so I make it confusing.
- I'm really considering starting over and moving to Canton but I don't think life is going to be different there.
- Wondering if God just wants me to be single my whole life. I think I could do it. I just need to avoid weddings and babies.
- I need to hang out with more people my age.
- Responsibility, what that?
- Need to think positive, especially at certain places.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I giggle when I get nervous.
The latest thing that made me giggle.
This is at my new co-workers Dave's place. He saw that I was a little hesitant about getting on the horse so while Diana rode Marahute he showed me how to handle another horse. He and his wife train horse using the natural method. It's pretty much getting the horse to respond to you the way another horse would do it. It was pretty neat. Then I got on Marahute. She's a total sweet heart and even though I think I did aweful, she was nice to me.
Here's pictures of Diana and Jackie (another co-worker) on horses.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
So today I flew from Reno to LA, LA to Detroit, and Detroit to Canton.
It was interesting, I'm being lazy so I'm going to do it bullet points then go to bed. :D
- Left Reno at 6:25, was freaking out about being late cause we only have a hour layover in LA
- Got to LA and had to book it to another terminal and go through Security AGAIN. They are way more strict there too.
- Went straight to gate and got on the plane. Then it was four hours to Detroit.
- Played cards with Diana and chewed on jerky to keep from starving.
- Got to Detroit and had more pleasant of a time waiting for next flight, but did not enjoy seeing all the snow!
- Ate first meal of day at Fuddruckers
- Got on to a small jumper plane to Canton.
- Got to hotel, tried to find a restaurant that was still open after 8:30 pm, (we're not in Reno anymore..)
- Ate at hotel (everywhere else is closed on Sunday)
- Now I'm blogging then off to bed.
That was my travel day. :D
Friday, January 9, 2009
I don't know what to say really. I just felt a need to write.
I need to write on here more.
For a long time I told myself that I'm too busy to focus on certain stuff. Too busy to be responsible; too busy to focus on being in a relationship.
Now I have time. I'm debating about doing some social stuff, like joining the "old man band" or continuing on in the American Sign Language studies. But I kind of like the time to just hang out at home with no plans, just being home listening music, watching TV or reading.
It's a nice break, not having to be at work, in class, or at a club meeting.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
So yesterday a bunch of my friends from high school were posting condolences on Myspace. So I asked them what happened. I found out one of my friends from high school little brother and girlfriend died in a car accident.
I didn't really know them but my heart and prayers go out to the families. It's rough when that happens. They had to be at least 20 or so.
When I found out where they were going when they crashed I got more upset. They were going to Boise. It's hard because to go from Elko to Boise you have to drive through this windy pass between Owahee and Mountain Home. It sucks and is scary. My family has gotten stranded there one time.
It's hard because two years ago a friend died on that same area. So it's hard because it makes me think of the injustice his family had to go through because of it. He was ran off the road by a pick up truck that was tailing him. He was following his family back to Elko and when the truck almost ran his parents off the road they were confused why he wasn't behind them anymore. So they turned around saw the skid marks and the car in the rivene. The truck kept going.
There was so much anger when I heard the story. I wondered if the jerk driving the truck knew what they did? How they would have felt for killing someone? How would they feel to know that it broke a family, that they will never be the same? Would you still drive like crap and tail a person on a dangerous part of a highway?
All theses emotion came flooding back when I heard about the the two new lives that, that dangerous highway took away from two other families.
I didn't really know them but my heart and prayers go out to the families. It's rough when that happens. They had to be at least 20 or so.
When I found out where they were going when they crashed I got more upset. They were going to Boise. It's hard because to go from Elko to Boise you have to drive through this windy pass between Owahee and Mountain Home. It sucks and is scary. My family has gotten stranded there one time.
It's hard because two years ago a friend died on that same area. So it's hard because it makes me think of the injustice his family had to go through because of it. He was ran off the road by a pick up truck that was tailing him. He was following his family back to Elko and when the truck almost ran his parents off the road they were confused why he wasn't behind them anymore. So they turned around saw the skid marks and the car in the rivene. The truck kept going.
There was so much anger when I heard the story. I wondered if the jerk driving the truck knew what they did? How they would have felt for killing someone? How would they feel to know that it broke a family, that they will never be the same? Would you still drive like crap and tail a person on a dangerous part of a highway?
All theses emotion came flooding back when I heard about the the two new lives that, that dangerous highway took away from two other families.
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