Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe.
Philippians 2:14-15
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Feeling like a Loser
So I'm planning a Graduation party. I tried to see if people will come by posting myspace bulletins and on here, no one said anything. I sent out invites on myspace, I got a bunch of I'm going to this event instead messages. Yup that feeling of what if I was cooler hits again. The thought of why is it no ones first priority to do something for me? I mean I'm getting this huge favor by the guy at Jump Man Jump to let me have this party on a premium night for free.
But here's the other side. My family will be here, they will most likely come cause it's me and I planned it. Because they Love me. Diana said she will most likely come, because she awesome, even though she admitted saying that she won't know anybody there. Liz will most likely go because she goes every time I have one and she's my closest friend in Reno, even though she's in a wheelchair and can't play.
So why do I feel so lame and like a loser? When all the people I'm closest with will be there? Even now I'm trying hard not to cry about it because it's dumb. It's a worldly thing, people liking you. It really is. What really matters in this world are the people who truly care for you. Yet how is it easy for me to tell myself that and yet still feel pain about the people who aren't coming?
Maybe it's because they are the people I'm trying to open up to, the people I want to be friends with. Maybe they aren't worth the effort. This happens every time I try to plan something. I think this is why I distance myself from people. Because I give up on trying to be their friend when they aren't being one to me.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I'm a Murderer.
"For it is said in the bible that if you hate a person then it's considered murder"This has always been something that I have struggled with, Hate. I just get so angry and bitter so easily. I've prayed over this for years, I had daily reminders to:We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers. Anyone who does not love remains in death. Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him. 1 John 13:14-15
"In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold." Ephesians 4:26-27
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Killing Fields
Needless to say the movie left us all feeling quite a bit somber. Next weeks class is optional, being the day before thanksgiving. I'm going because we are going to watch the second half of the movie. And I'm writing my term research paper on the Cambodian Genocide.
I've also read this book called, First They Killed My Father. It's a first hand account by the author of what her family had to go through to survive as upper class Cambodian citizens. It's sad but a good and eye opening read. I have it if you want to borrow it.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Positive Post Tuesday
Monday, November 17, 2008
Taking a Break
Acts 1:7-11
So two thoughts came to mind. First, "Holy Spirit fill this broken and empty heart! Revive me!" I want to witness (hence why I'm in CCN) but still am scared, shy, and nervous. Secondly, "MAN! when Jesus comes back it's going to be the biggest show of my life!"7He said to them: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. 8But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
9After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.
10They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 11"Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven."
Yup that's what I thought. I'm trying and struggling daily. I think I need to start hanging out with some old Christian friends. They were so encouraging and it's nice to see them again.
Friday, November 14, 2008
For those of you who don't know. I worked there for like 4 years! It's incredibly fun and you're never too old to be there!
If your under 18 Go Here and print out a waver for you parents to sign.
Have socks and be prepared for an hour of AWESOMENESS!
Monday, November 10, 2008
This is considered Computer Science?
What?!? Atleast I'm pro at telling the difference between type one and type two Diabetes. By the way I have type two diabetes. Fun times!1. For next Monday (11/17), conduct some research on diabetes. Find out from verifiable resources what the chances are of different age groups contracting either Type I or Type II diabetes. Make sure you find up to date references because the statistics have been significantly changing in the past few years. Turn in the answers to the following questions in the standard printed (not handwritten) form, and show your references at the end of your paper.
a. Explain what Type I and Type II diabetes are, and what the significant differences are between the two.
b. Can diabetes be cured?
Provide evidence for your answer.
c. Can diabetes be prevented?
Provide evidence for your answer.
d. Who is most at risk for diabetes?
What age ranges, what ethnicities, what countries or continents, etc.
- provide the percentage probabilities you find for the various groups
Soles 4 Souls
A $5 donation buys two pair of shoes for a person somewhere in the world with none. Imagine, for a little more than what we spend on our morning coffee we can put shoes on the feet of two needy people. All of us can give $5, many of us can give more.
All By Myself
My Weekend in Bullet Point
- Went to Washoe Valley for a Revival. It went ok I think the next time around it will be better. I definitely need to learn to be more social in groups of people I don't know really well.
- Went to Chad's Vocal Recital at Trinity Episcopal Church. It was interesting. The theme was embracing love and Chad's journey through it and accepting his Sexuality.
- Stared at the amazing creation of a pipe organ.
- Joked around with Lana about how cute someone at the concert hall is. (which for Lana to say that means something! Maybe She'll like guys.)
- Helped out at Children's church this weekend. I was the tickle monster again. Fun times!
- Totally chilled in my room and did all the stuff I needed to get done. So nice to do nothing for a afternoon.
- Address graduation announcements! 25 days away!! AH!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Sometimes I Wonder
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Not OK
So Unproductive!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Hello Mister President
So I said this in a comment to Diana and felt like adding it on here.
I wasn't sure how to react. I asked my roommate who won and I just said Cool and walked away as my stomach dropped.So last night as I was cooking dinner and trying to avoid "Creepy Magazine Selling Guy" I finally walked out of the kitchen and asked my roommate and her boyfriend who won. I dunno why, I kind of knew Obama would win. I pretty much was 50-50 with who I was going to vote for. Both Candidates had items on their platforms that I liked and didn't like.
All I have to say now is, Congratulations President Obama. I'll be Praying for you and hoping that the decisions you make will help our country.
I like how personal and real this image make Obama look. This was taken by Callie Shell. Check out her other pictures. I found her through TheLongbrake Blog.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Much to Say
- Worked most of the day at PPM and had lunch with Diana.
- Hung out at home then went and saw the Midnight showing of TMCC's production of Sweenet Todd. Incredible!
- Cleaned House
- Went to a surprise Birthday Party for Becky
- Played ImagineIff
- Went Grocery Shopping (that was interesting but I'm not going to tell why cause it's just not nice)
- Church It wasn't bad. Set up and tear down was super fast!
- Taught someone how to Crochet
- Went to Costco and got yelled at for going in the wrong door. Oops! He could have been just a little nicer though.
- Went to my group meeting with Costco Pizza in hand
- Made a ERD (Sort of)
- Went to the Waiting Ends, A Current Affair, The Wedding, and Wavorly Show. AWESOME!
I was going to attempt a Positive Post Tuesday post but I feel a little let down today. So I'm not feeling to postive. Sorry.
Monday, November 3, 2008
I voted
I know some platforms are long, just take the time to figure out what's most important to you, and read those sections and compare who would do the best job at resolving what is important to you.
Don't just vote for whoever people are telling you to vote for. And honestly don't be ashamed to go against your friends it's called voter privacy for a reason. You don't have to go around telling people you voted for whoever.
This isn't just towards the Presidential Candidates, It's for all the local ones. Open your sample Ballot read up on all the questions, look up who is running for what.
Yes, who is the next president is important but the local canditates are just as important. They are the ones that will be making changes that can effect you sooner than what the President decides for the nation.
P.S. Clip board people. I'm not going to miss you after tomorrow. I can finally stop saying Yes I registered to vote and Yes I voted early.