Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe.
Philippians 2:14-15
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Just Remembering Something
How he did a talk for Large Group at Intervarsity Christian Fellowship and he had an action figure for a Rambo and a toy Buddy Christ (from Dogma) and he was showing Jesus fighting off sins. It was probably the funniest thing I've ever seen when it came to a church related stuff, at the time.
What's even better I can remember most of the talk he gave. How he went into how it must have been like to be Jesus on the cross. How he would of had to push himself up to release the pressure on his chest to speak, increasing the pain to his feet. Just imagine the pain he would have to go through each time just to say, For Sarah's Sins, For Matt's Sins, For so and so sins.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
- Dated Long Distance. It was hard, there was a lot of regrets, I learned a lot from it.
- Dyed my hair Blue. Yup Blue.
- Made it in Wind Ensemble on Clarinet
- Joined Intervarsty Christian Fellowship
- Donated my hair to Locks of Love
- Moved into Canada Hall. Met my roommate Windy.
- Went to Fresno for Pep Band
- Pierced my nose
- Went to Seattle for NCAA
- Went to St. Luis for NCAA Sweet Sixteen (eye witness the Cinderella Story! :D)
- 1st year at Lake Tahoe Music Camp (LTMC)
- Moved into my first Apt with Windy and Stephanie Clark
- Started Working at Jump Man Jump
- Started working at Nightingale Concert Hall
- Went to Indianapolis for NCAA
- Made friends with Ever Stays Red
- Apprenticed for Intervarsity for the Asian American Bible Study
- Learned to play the Tenor Saxophone
- Went to my first Joshua Fest
- Met Candace, Ryan, and Sam Hui
- Moved into K St. house with Windy
- Learned to be a real Screen Printer
- Lead the Asian American Bible Study
- Went to Thailand on a Mission Trip
- Went to New Orleans
- Got my first Tattoo
- Moved into the College Drive House (an all girl ministry house)
- Went to Las Cruses
- Declared my minor as Information Systems
- Went to the MCP computer Bowl game
- Moved in with Liz
- Went to Albuquerque, NM
- Got my 2nd Tattoo.
- Did all of the Senior recognition stuff.
- My Last year counseling LTMC
- Went to Warped Tour for the first time
Monday, December 22, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Feeling like a Loser
So I'm planning a Graduation party. I tried to see if people will come by posting myspace bulletins and on here, no one said anything. I sent out invites on myspace, I got a bunch of I'm going to this event instead messages. Yup that feeling of what if I was cooler hits again. The thought of why is it no ones first priority to do something for me? I mean I'm getting this huge favor by the guy at Jump Man Jump to let me have this party on a premium night for free.
But here's the other side. My family will be here, they will most likely come cause it's me and I planned it. Because they Love me. Diana said she will most likely come, because she awesome, even though she admitted saying that she won't know anybody there. Liz will most likely go because she goes every time I have one and she's my closest friend in Reno, even though she's in a wheelchair and can't play.
So why do I feel so lame and like a loser? When all the people I'm closest with will be there? Even now I'm trying hard not to cry about it because it's dumb. It's a worldly thing, people liking you. It really is. What really matters in this world are the people who truly care for you. Yet how is it easy for me to tell myself that and yet still feel pain about the people who aren't coming?
Maybe it's because they are the people I'm trying to open up to, the people I want to be friends with. Maybe they aren't worth the effort. This happens every time I try to plan something. I think this is why I distance myself from people. Because I give up on trying to be their friend when they aren't being one to me.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I'm a Murderer.
"For it is said in the bible that if you hate a person then it's considered murder"This has always been something that I have struggled with, Hate. I just get so angry and bitter so easily. I've prayed over this for years, I had daily reminders to:We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers. Anyone who does not love remains in death. Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him. 1 John 13:14-15
"In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold." Ephesians 4:26-27
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Killing Fields
Needless to say the movie left us all feeling quite a bit somber. Next weeks class is optional, being the day before thanksgiving. I'm going because we are going to watch the second half of the movie. And I'm writing my term research paper on the Cambodian Genocide.
I've also read this book called, First They Killed My Father. It's a first hand account by the author of what her family had to go through to survive as upper class Cambodian citizens. It's sad but a good and eye opening read. I have it if you want to borrow it.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Positive Post Tuesday
Monday, November 17, 2008
Taking a Break
Acts 1:7-11
So two thoughts came to mind. First, "Holy Spirit fill this broken and empty heart! Revive me!" I want to witness (hence why I'm in CCN) but still am scared, shy, and nervous. Secondly, "MAN! when Jesus comes back it's going to be the biggest show of my life!"7He said to them: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. 8But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
9After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.
10They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 11"Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven."
Yup that's what I thought. I'm trying and struggling daily. I think I need to start hanging out with some old Christian friends. They were so encouraging and it's nice to see them again.
Friday, November 14, 2008
For those of you who don't know. I worked there for like 4 years! It's incredibly fun and you're never too old to be there!
If your under 18 Go Here and print out a waver for you parents to sign.
Have socks and be prepared for an hour of AWESOMENESS!
Monday, November 10, 2008
This is considered Computer Science?
What?!? Atleast I'm pro at telling the difference between type one and type two Diabetes. By the way I have type two diabetes. Fun times!1. For next Monday (11/17), conduct some research on diabetes. Find out from verifiable resources what the chances are of different age groups contracting either Type I or Type II diabetes. Make sure you find up to date references because the statistics have been significantly changing in the past few years. Turn in the answers to the following questions in the standard printed (not handwritten) form, and show your references at the end of your paper.
a. Explain what Type I and Type II diabetes are, and what the significant differences are between the two.
b. Can diabetes be cured?
Provide evidence for your answer.
c. Can diabetes be prevented?
Provide evidence for your answer.
d. Who is most at risk for diabetes?
What age ranges, what ethnicities, what countries or continents, etc.
- provide the percentage probabilities you find for the various groups
Soles 4 Souls
A $5 donation buys two pair of shoes for a person somewhere in the world with none. Imagine, for a little more than what we spend on our morning coffee we can put shoes on the feet of two needy people. All of us can give $5, many of us can give more.
All By Myself
My Weekend in Bullet Point
- Went to Washoe Valley for a Revival. It went ok I think the next time around it will be better. I definitely need to learn to be more social in groups of people I don't know really well.
- Went to Chad's Vocal Recital at Trinity Episcopal Church. It was interesting. The theme was embracing love and Chad's journey through it and accepting his Sexuality.
- Stared at the amazing creation of a pipe organ.
- Joked around with Lana about how cute someone at the concert hall is. (which for Lana to say that means something! Maybe She'll like guys.)
- Helped out at Children's church this weekend. I was the tickle monster again. Fun times!
- Totally chilled in my room and did all the stuff I needed to get done. So nice to do nothing for a afternoon.
- Address graduation announcements! 25 days away!! AH!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Sometimes I Wonder
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Not OK
So Unproductive!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Hello Mister President
So I said this in a comment to Diana and felt like adding it on here.
I wasn't sure how to react. I asked my roommate who won and I just said Cool and walked away as my stomach dropped.So last night as I was cooking dinner and trying to avoid "Creepy Magazine Selling Guy" I finally walked out of the kitchen and asked my roommate and her boyfriend who won. I dunno why, I kind of knew Obama would win. I pretty much was 50-50 with who I was going to vote for. Both Candidates had items on their platforms that I liked and didn't like.
All I have to say now is, Congratulations President Obama. I'll be Praying for you and hoping that the decisions you make will help our country.
I like how personal and real this image make Obama look. This was taken by Callie Shell. Check out her other pictures. I found her through TheLongbrake Blog.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Much to Say
- Worked most of the day at PPM and had lunch with Diana.
- Hung out at home then went and saw the Midnight showing of TMCC's production of Sweenet Todd. Incredible!
- Cleaned House
- Went to a surprise Birthday Party for Becky
- Played ImagineIff
- Went Grocery Shopping (that was interesting but I'm not going to tell why cause it's just not nice)
- Church It wasn't bad. Set up and tear down was super fast!
- Taught someone how to Crochet
- Went to Costco and got yelled at for going in the wrong door. Oops! He could have been just a little nicer though.
- Went to my group meeting with Costco Pizza in hand
- Made a ERD (Sort of)
- Went to the Waiting Ends, A Current Affair, The Wedding, and Wavorly Show. AWESOME!
I was going to attempt a Positive Post Tuesday post but I feel a little let down today. So I'm not feeling to postive. Sorry.
Monday, November 3, 2008
I voted
I know some platforms are long, just take the time to figure out what's most important to you, and read those sections and compare who would do the best job at resolving what is important to you.
Don't just vote for whoever people are telling you to vote for. And honestly don't be ashamed to go against your friends it's called voter privacy for a reason. You don't have to go around telling people you voted for whoever.
This isn't just towards the Presidential Candidates, It's for all the local ones. Open your sample Ballot read up on all the questions, look up who is running for what.
Yes, who is the next president is important but the local canditates are just as important. They are the ones that will be making changes that can effect you sooner than what the President decides for the nation.
P.S. Clip board people. I'm not going to miss you after tomorrow. I can finally stop saying Yes I registered to vote and Yes I voted early.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thanks to everyone's advice, but much to say I'm not going to date the atheist. Here's why, I'm obviously not strong enough to defend my faith to them when it comes to apolgetics and the questioning who is right and who's not. I'm waiting for the guy that God has made Comparable to me. Not Compatable but comparable.
Confused? This is what I learned God often times doesn't match us up with the people that we think we would most likely be compatable with. It's not like EHarmony where you take compatability tests. God matches us up with people that we can be comparable with. God is matching me up with someone whose strength is my weakness and my weakness is his strength. Someone whose not exactly who I would think I'd be with or match the guys that I'm saying I like. That's what makes him not compatable with me. I can't pick and choose who I want, what they look like, and their personality. I need to trust that God will bring someone into my life that I'm comaprable with, so that we both can follow, love, fellowship, and worship God together.
So I'm resting. Resting? You may ask. In college and career night we talked about Adam. How Adam and Eve are the prime example of what relationships should be like. When God Created the Heavens, the earth, The sky, and the creaters of the land, air, and sea. God created Adam in his likeness. God then had Adam name all the creaters that he had created. So as each creater strolled up in pairs Adam names them. It never occured to me that Adam could have possibly realized that all these creaters he saw came by in groups of two and yet there was only one of Adam. Did Adam go running through the Garden of Eden looking for his mate?
No instead he went to sleep, God had placed a deep sleep over Adam and then took from him one rib and created Eve about of the ribs of Adam and mud. Before Eve there was no other person for Adam to be focus on but God. Adam fully loved God first then Eve. When Adam awoke and saw Eve he loved her as she was. It's even said that part of the reason why Adam ate off the tree of life was so that Eve wouldn't be punished alone that together they may reep the consiquences of Eve's actions.
So what did I get from this. Before I can love another person I need to love God. I also need to rest, stop searching, and pressuring God, because maybe the Man God has picked out for me isn't ready yet. Maybe he like me needs to right his heart with God. Or maybe he's waiting patiently for me to right my heart with God. All I know is, I need to rest from wondering and looking for someone that's compatable with me and wait for the person the God made comparable to me.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
It's been a while
So I've been busy with school, work, and church. So busy that there's been times where all I wanna do is nothing.
My weekends have been jammed pack with weddings, concerts, church fellowships, and work. I loved all that has happened but I think I need to plan a weekend of me time. Wash my sheets and my car.
As for my emo post I did a few weeks ago. Things are better, I have been receiving a lot of prayer over it and received much advice.
I think I'll post what Ive learned eventually, but for now I think it at that. I'm trying to rest my anxious heart.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
My feet hurt. I'm poor again. I have another wedding to go to. :S
Friday, October 3, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Positive Post Tuesday
So a few years ago my friend Liz volunteered me (more like said you're coming after church) to help out with her to go to Quad Rugby practice. (They updated their site!! It actually looks like a big kids website! Sorry I'm on a caffeine high right now.. coffee coffee coffee!)
Since then I've gone to Las Vegas for tournaments and helped out at several fund raising events for the local team. At one point in time I was assisting coaching and working on becoming an official referee for the sport.
Well as I got further into my studies I had to quit going to practices to focus on school and graduating. I miss it. I miss the people and actually playing. I had some mad shoulder muscles! :D
So what brought this post on?? Well if you didn't know the Beijing Olympics are still going. They are in the mist of the Para-Olympics portion. Right now I'm watching the live feed of the USA Vs. Australia Gold medal Rugby Tournament.
This was created in Canada backing in the 70s. It was originally called Murder ball and if you've seen a game you know why it was named that. It was created for quadriplegics in mind because back then para sports were beginning to gain popularity, but they were all aimed towards paraplegics, meaning it was aimed for people with impairments in two of the four limbs. Making some sports hard for quadriplegics to participate in.
Since then the sport has expanded across the world and is now one of the more popular parasports, para basketball is still the number one. (which is hard to play too! I've tried it. :D)
It's also nice because teams everywhere volunteer at hospitals to show people in rehab that have been injured and are new to the wheelchair world, that there is still things that they can do. That there is a community of support and a chance to people to still be active and participate in sports.
I hope i did the sport some justice. If you haven't seen it yet you should watch the movie Murderball. It give a better insight into the sport.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Feeling Left Out
My relationship with my sisters is a little complicated. I've always gotten along with my little sister, even babied her. Growing up with the three of us, there were a few times where I had to be the responsible one while my older sister had her fun. So my little sister and I were always hanging out. it wasn't until I was a Junior in high school, that I started seeing my little sister as the little brat.
I never bonded with my older sister growing up, and there was a lot of resentment towards her. So when I got into the college, my older sister stepped up and helped me a lot. I'm still seen as the goody two shoes that might go and tattle on her, but we are working on our relationship.
My sister get along really well with each other. Sometime I feel like it's cause my older sister is trying to make up for all that she did to us, and my little sister was to young to remember. So seeing them together now makes me a little jealous. Apart of my wants that connection with my older sister, another part of me doesn't want to lose or share my little sister.
My older sister isn't Christian, she's probably the most synical person I know. My little sister "was" Christian. I don't know where she's at now, but I feel like my older sisters influencing her to not be. It's heart breaking and hard. I can talk to my little sister and she says that she still is, but she's not living her life like one. I would love to witness to my older sister but it's hard because I still don't connect with my older sister very well, and there's still a lot of hurt and pain hovering within me.
Wow. I guess seeing that they are bonding so well, makes me want to be with and bond with them. Hm... maybe I'll move to Portland when I graduate. I love it there.
The VMA's
The Recults!
First My appointment. It was a Success! My A1C Percentage was down a whole 2%!!!
Which makes it's below 7% and that means I'm not in the danger zone. But I'm not going to give up now. Next is to get it lower so I don't have to be on as many Meds. Or atleast smaller dosages and save myself from the stomach pains!
Praise God! :D
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Long story short, I have the student insurance that my current Endocrine Doctor isn't on, but the ones that are covered aren't accepting new patients so I can't go to them. Which sucks because of the fact that I have kidney damage means I need to see a specialist and that means staying with the doctor I'm at and paying more money. I like my doctor though. I'm just POOR!
So my last appointment really made me upset, cause I pretty much was told that my Hemoglobin level went up to a scary percentage and that I need to check myself or else I'm in big trouble. So I did, I signed up for Curves and I stopped eating out as much, and I made an effort to eat healthier.
I started out committing to testing my sugar levels regularly (I failed at that), taking my pills daily (which I failed at when I found out how expensive they are when you don't have any more prescription benefits), and to exercise. The only on I succeeded at was going to the gym. Only because I'm POOR and better make this monthly expenditure worth it.
So hopefully I'll have good news for you tomorrow. If not I'll become very emo, and it's not a pretty sight.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
School Days
My IS370 - Systems Analysis and Design group BRS reunited for group projects in IS475 - Database Implementation and Design. Which is nice since we all know each other and know each other work ethics.
BRS stands for Back Row Slackers. We came up with that name because we all sat along the back wall of the classroom. But we are far from slackers, we actually get our work done. I like my group we all work well together and so this semester should be fine. I mean we passed a semester long project together, we can handle a few smaller projects.
I've been working on staying strong and continueally being in the word and praying. I'm working my way through 1 Samuel which is a lot of fighting and war. I want to get to the story of David and his friendship with Johnathan and his struggles with Saul. I'll get there soon though.
This semester should be exciting and filled with new adventures. CCN is having their first ever meeting tonight where we will go over the goals and expectaion of this new club.
Change Collegiate Network- It's a group that focus on evangelism and spreding the word of God on campus and off. It's going to be exciting to how God uses people through this venture.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Last night I was conversing with Taryn, she goes to my church and I realized last night that I really don't know a lot about her and her husband. I mean I knew they were into a lot of stuff when they met. But their story is just truly a blessing to know.
It isn't one of those things where I don't care to know what's going on with people I interact with, it's just that there hasn't been a chance to get to know people. I go to a church that is a "church in a box." We meet in an elementary gymnasium. We don't have a building, yet. We'll get one someday,
Every Sunday I'm at the elementary school by 8 am to help set up chairs, childrens church, and the stage. Then it's time to practice for worship, then church. Afterwards I stick around to help tear down. I don't mind helping but I feel that I don't connect with people at the church cause I'm so busy setting up or tearing down.
So it's nice to go to a small group and just talk to some people around my age and just take it in. Take in life stories of people like Taryn and her husbands struggles. It's encouraging. It's amazing how God can change a person life and use them for His ministry. I think I'll save Taryn Story for a PPT. With permission of course.
Prayer Request
My friend just moved to Las Vegas for Grad School. She isn't Christian and her car got broken into a few days ago. She's been living in hotel rooms until she can find a place to stay. They took two large suitcases for clothes, a keyboard, and over a $1,000 worth of sheet music.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Warped Tour
Other than that I loved seeing We the Kings, The Academy is, Forever the Sickest Kids, Peirce the Veil, and Anberlin.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Such a Klutz
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Getting Excioted
so speaking of music. Yesterday Brody talked about this band called Paper Route. Because of his post being so keen on people going to check them out, so I did.
I like them. They are very musical in their stuff and their website is very artsy. I'm finding that I'm starting to lean more towards indie music and not so much the scream rock that I use to listening.
But I like Paper Route and think that they are just awesome and you should check them out too.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
I'm diggin it.
So I havn't been adjusting to the new place very well. I can't sleep and it doesn't help that once I lay down this painful coughing session happens. Then when I do somewhat fall asleep I wake up again with the painful coughing session.
So the last few nights I have been averaging 3 to 4 hours of sleep. Not fun. especially when you have to do childrens church and your falling asleep to them wreaking havoc.
Oh and in random news. I'm getting a cat in two weeks! :D
Friday, August 8, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
A Little Behind
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I didn't think it was Possible
So I have a prayer request for you prayer warriors out there.
I kind of know this girl that I see maybe 2 or 3 times a year. Everytime I see her, she looks skinnier and has more cuts on her body. I keep a picture of her when she was "normal looking" to remind myself to pray for her. It's scary to see her now. I'm also concerned about how she's living her life. She says she's Christian, she has these awesome Christian tattoos, but she has videos and pictures of her getting drunk and doing things that are quite a bit concerning.
So if you can keep her in your prayers that would be great. I know that she has struggled with eating disorders and cutting but it's been almost a year now and she's not looking any better. Friends try to reach out to her but she doesn't listen or communicate back. When we saw her last it was when some friends were in town and they have voiced concern for her too. Please pray that she will be able to turn her life back around. We are confused about this, because there isn't a reason that we know for her to act like she is. She has a family that cares a lot about her.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Lake Tahoe Music Camp
- I got sick
- Got attacked by a kayak
- Showed off my sound gear knowledge
- Got bit by a Spider or something funky
- Rocked the lip sync with a 80's mix and a small clip from the Rite of Spring. (random I know)
- Had the best skit ever (it was a musical, video soonish)
- Rocked out as an old person
- Sang my "My Heart Will Go On" one too many times. :P
- Broken windows
Friday, July 25, 2008
Friends are Good.
So last night I got to hang out with these guys. They are amazing. I talked about them in my last post, and I'm still amazed at how blessed I am to know them. They came over and hung out. We watched some TV and chatted. Then we went to see the midnight showing of Step Brothers.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
It's awesome because I can bring friends and the variety of the sounds will appeal to any of them, and I love the small concert too because afterwards we get to meet the artist. I remember bring my friend Melody to a ESR concert way back when she still lived in town and it was fun going out to In-n-Out with the bands afterward and hanging out.
I really needed something like this. It reminds me of how great God is and just how amazed I am at the people God has put in my life. Just knowing the Ever Stays Red guys and the fact that they recognize me, say hi, and give me hugs just makes all the troubles go away. I'm the shy girl that has to put her self out there to recognized and with them I don't have to do anything. (well maybe it was because Liz and I went to AZ, borrow a car from them, then went to see them at all the concerts they did in their home area, then help them load up after the concerts, then accidentally forgetting my cell phone at their church and haveing to have them mail it to parents cause I was leaving for Thailand the next week.)
Yup it's totally a God thing. :)
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Could I do it?
So what happens? God blesses her with a son and onces he has been weaned she takes him to the temple so that he may serve the Lord.
So as I was driving to work I was thinking could I do it? If I wanted something so badly as to ask for it then say once I get it I will give it away, could I do it? Could you?
Monday, July 21, 2008
So much to say!
I have a friend who like to make fun of my for blogging and so she asked me if I have written a blog lately. I laughed cause it reminded me of a old co-worker Ed. He would get so fired up if someone said they were going to write a Blog. He would say your not writing a blog, cause that would require writing a ton of post to say your are writing a blog. I you can say you wrote a post, or a blog post. It's funnier coming from him since he is a comedian.
I got new piercings! There was a grand opening of a new tattoo and piercing place and they were having $7 piercings. I originally wanted a nape piecing, but I got my traguses done instead.
I ran out of Prescription benefits And now have to pay $240 for my Diabetes Meds... I cried... A LOT.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
The Most
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
He's Lovely
He's pretty incredible and I love his stuff! And the greatest part is... This album is free!! yup Free! and it sounds good from the clips I have heard. So you should get it and help spread the word. Go to Phil Wickam's Blog to get one of the nifty Ad and hear a clip from the album.
We'll find out, we signed the papers yesterday and I'm ready for the new experience.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Positive Post Tuesday
So I have been following Brody Harpers blog and he and few other bloggers does this thing called Positive Post Tuesday. I figure I give it a try. The gist of Positive Post Tuesday is pretty simple, you write something nice about someone, building them up, and encourage them.
She's probably the one person that I make the biggest effort to see when I go and visit my home town. I thank God for friends like her.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Cleaning House
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Lifes crazy!!! So I interviewed with Wells Fargo. Didn't get the Job. I wanted to work there, so that I can later advance into the IS field. What better way to do that too, I can analyzing the systems for Tellers and I would know what to fix cause I worked on them. Oh well, it wasn't where God wanted me to be. I'm going to hold off of the Job search for while.
So tomorrow is the town hall meeting concerning the budget cuts at UNR. I kind of feel hopeless about it. Even if we manage to save the band it would be mostly student ran, no scholarships, and Sully (Mr. Sullivan) will still most likely be fired. It sucks and sad.
There's been quite a bit of media coverage of it too. Here's an article that was in the RGJ. But us band geeks (university and high school), plus the Reno Phil, Reno Chamber Orchestra, Maytan Music, Absolute Music, Sparks Music, Toccata, and UNR Band Alumni are all going to be outside of it. Horns blaring and playing the Fight Song and Alma Matter (which the University made us stop playing last year... there goes tradition.)
All pictures I got from jlixdixon13's Flickr Page. It's got tons of awesome Nevada Pictures. The picture of the guy with the blue face and wig. I've painted that face for Basketball games for 5 years. I'm going to miss doing that stuff, I was the face painting guru... I had to pass off the bag o' goodies to the next face painting guru.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Who am !?
Saturday, June 28, 2008
This Blows
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Red Sky
So this morning I woke up to a bright red beam coming into my room. I'm not going to lie, I kind of freaked out, then I looked out the window to see that it was the Sun shining through the smoke that was causing the red sun beam in my room. I kind wish I was functioning enough to think of taking a picture of it and posting. But I rolled over and went back to sleep instead. Maybe tomorrow morning I'll do it, since this smoke is going to be a round and possibly get worse. I'll have to take some pictures and post it for you to see. It's insane! You can barely see the mountains.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Smokey The Bear
My Mother and step father live about 13 miles northwest of Woodleaf, California. She just called me on the phone. There is a forest fire about 3 miles east of them. And a fire about 2 miles south of them. And a fire about one mile west of them and another fire north of them about ½ mile to the north. They did not head the warning to leave when they could and now the roads are closed. Cinders about the size of your finger are falling on the A-frame house. The smoke is so thick you can barely see 20 feet. They refuse to leave as they say they have no where to go. (That is just not true) They are determined to fight the fire on their own. The are 85 years old and should know better. Please pray for their safety. I believe it will take an act of God to save even their very lives.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Employees vs. Boss
Just now it was two against one. My coworker and I teamed up against my boss. It was quite funny. That's what happens when there's only three of us in the office and your the only guy I guess. :)